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  1. R

    IC40 setup on Screen logic

    Salt is 3800 per the unit, and double checked with a test strip. CYA is 85. Been bringing it down as after a year on trichlor it was 150. So I did a partial water dump and that's when I started with the liquid chlorine this spring. It's also when I got the idea in my head todo the SWG.
  2. R

    IC40 setup on Screen logic

    I've maintained Chlorine levels all summer with 60 oz of 10% a day. The pool is in full sun all day in California. That doesn't seem to me to be over consumption? I started out with the IC 40 running 6 hours a day and have moved it up an hour each day this week. It made no difference. It seems...
  3. R

    IC40 setup on Screen logic

    Everything is fine when using the the liquid chlorine. I feel more like the SWG isn't working? My pool and water tests have been great all summer. ill get the chlorine level up and check it after sunset. I suppose their could be things growing in there, but I haven't seen anything alarming.
  4. R

    IC40 setup on Screen logic

    4 days in I'm pretty unimpressed. I haven't been able to get this thing to keep up. Today I ran it 10 hours at 100%. My chlorine after 4 hours of afternoon sun is basically zero. I've had to bump my RPM setting to 1650 just to keep the flow light in the green. Every day so far I've had to add...
  5. R

    IC40 setup on Screen logic

    Think I got it, ditch the chlorination function altogether and set the pool low as the main pool circuit
  6. R

    IC40 setup on Screen logic

    How do you set this up? I've got a Feature or Auxiliary circuit I can name "Chlorinator" and that gives me a button then on my control screen. Problem is when I hit the button to turn it on, nothing happens. I fear this will also mean I cannot schedule the "Chlorinator" The only way the IC40...
  7. R

    Parts list to add IC40 to Easytouch 8

    The point is I don't want an external box. If it ends up costing me a few hundred moe it's not that big of deal. I don't want to hang anything else on the wall.
  8. R

    Parts list to add IC40 to Easytouch 8

    If this is what I need I've priced it all out and it comes up to between $900-$1,000. So it's only a bit more than the combo of IC40 and external power supply. I've also read some of the parts for the main panel are different than those used in the external one.
  9. R

    Parts list to add IC40 to Easytouch 8

    Can anyone help me confirm what I need to setup an IC40 to work with my current Easytouch 8. I prefer not to use the external power supply and want to integrate it into the current panel. What I've come up with: 521441 Transformer 521142z Circuit Breaker 521218 Surge Board 520724 power cable...