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    Crystal clear pool but cant finish SLAM - feeling defeated and overwhelmed!

    Just wanted to update: Passed the OCLT! Thank you all for the info, especially about cleaning the vials. Embarrassed that small detail probably cost so much extra time, money, effort, and sanity, but so glad the SLAM is over. Letting it drift now, and waiting to drop below 10 so I can test and...
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    Crystal clear pool but cant finish SLAM - feeling defeated and overwhelmed!

    Thank you! It's such a simple thing that I didn't think of. Here's hoping it makes the difference!
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    Crystal clear pool but cant finish SLAM - feeling defeated and overwhelmed!

    That is a really helpful tip and can see how it would eliminate some of the objectivity of that test. Thank you!
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    Crystal clear pool but cant finish SLAM - feeling defeated and overwhelmed!

    That is a good point, thank you! Yesterday I checked at 6:10 am (lost 2 ppm), and this morning at 5:30 am (lost 4 ppm). Here's hoping the newly cleaned testing vial helps me to pass tonight, otherwise I will continue to check bright and early each morning.
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    Crystal clear pool but cant finish SLAM - feeling defeated and overwhelmed!

    Well, I feel like an idiot! I cleaned the vial and re-tested. FC stayed the same at 21, but CC dropped to a faint 0.5! At this point, FC has been holding since 7:45 this morning. Will let the FC drift to 16 and maintain until I pass the OCLT with a CC of .5 or less. Thank you so much for your...
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    Crystal clear pool but cant finish SLAM - feeling defeated and overwhelmed!

    Been using TFP methods on our pool since I found you all 8 years ago! Not much has come up that I haven't been able to resolve using forum posts and advice. That is, until recently. Having an issue with our pool that is perplexing me. Opened (mid-May) without any real water chemistry issues and...
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    Argh, ammonia! Can't hold FC, high CC, dropping CYA.

    Well I performed the ammonia drill, and came out victorious!:D It only took 2 hours and 22 bottles of 10% liquid chlorine ;)! Was shocking to 12, and FC kept riding at 2, but CC slowly dropped until I finally hit FC 6 and CC 0. Ammonia test came back yellow and in ideal range! Currently...
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    Argh, ammonia! Can't hold FC, high CC, dropping CYA.

    I know that no one can see into the future, but any idea how long this can take (ie an afternoon, days, etc), and if i stop to sleep does that set everything back? I'm trying to weight the effort and cost of chlorine versus just draining and refilling. I am assuming that even if I drain and...
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    Argh, ammonia! Can't hold FC, high CC, dropping CYA.

    Hello all, Long time lurker, finally a poster! Used BBB last year to a trouble free, clear pool last season. First time openers this year, as we have had a company open and close in years past. Have had 4 summers in the pool, and battled high CYA every year. Closed last year with a CYA...