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  1. M

    Inherited Autopilot LS1000 - How to get it working?

    Hello! I purchased a house a couple years ago and the pool has an Autopilot LS1000 SWCG. I didn't know what it was at the time or how to operate it so I've just been maintaining the pool with liquid chlorine/bleach for the past 2 years. I've been looking at it recently and wondering how I...
  2. M

    Air leak at pool pump connection

    Hello! I had a leak detection company come to find leaks in the pool and one of the things they noticed was an air leak where the PVC is connected to the pump. I've only recently moved into this house, but there has always been air viewable through the top of the basket cover of the pump, so I...
  3. M

    Looking for tips for leak repair by pool company

    Hello! I have a leak in my pool that I'm unable to find and I resorted to calling a professional in to find and repair the leak. I'm looking for any tips in handling this so I don't get scammed. I'm a first time home owner and this is our first major project using some type of...
  4. M

    Leaking pipe/hose connection

    Hello! Recently bought a house and I just managed to get the pool from swamp to clean and now there is a major leak forcing me to turn the pump off completely until it gets fixed. I went outside and I noticed the pump was making a weird noise and wasn't pumping water, turns out it had no...
  5. M

    New house, new pool - Algae or damaged plaster?

    Hello! We just purchased a new house that has a pool. I've never had a pool before so I've been reading all I can about maintenance here on TFP. I've managed to get my green swampy water to be crystal clear, but now I can see stuff stuck on the plaster (I'm guessing it's plaster, but I've...