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  1. S

    Best price for Chlorine Tablets?

    Thank you everyone for the feedback - I did buy a Taylor Kit recommended by this site immediately after acquiring our new house, and started to dig into the Chemistry articles... and then I got overwhelmed with the new house and outsourced upkeep of the pool to a 3rd party who just monitors it...
  2. S

    Best price for Chlorine Tablets?

    Not sure if this is the best board for this question, but what is the best pricing for chlorine tablets? These on Amazon for 50 lbs appear to be pretty cheap ($109, free shipping), but wanted to double check with the experts here before I commit to 50 lbs of chlorine if it turns out either...
  3. S

    New Pool Owner, in market for robot... help?

    Just bought a house with a pool - hasn't even been opened yet, but I figure I should grab a robot cleaner now before it is professionally opened next week. Growing up we had a 50K gallon IG pool and the countless hours of vacuuming by hand still give me nightmares, so I definitely want...