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  1. K

    I need help with my swamp.

    In the past I have had experience with pools with Pristine Blue and with using chlorine tab and now I can say this is the clearest most sparkling pool I've seen. It's beautiful. My FC overnight loss is down to a 2 so we are almost there. It's taken a long time because of a few rookie missteps...
  2. K

    I need help with my swamp.

    That's exactly what it feels like.
  3. K

    I need help with my swamp.

    It's working! It's working! I turned my entire skimmer basket into an attachment by adding a lid and so thankfully the basket is catching the big debris. I'm on my fourth basketful of yuck.
  4. K

    I need help with my swamp.

    I'm ready to give up. I went out and bought a standard vacuum head and hose and set out to vacuum today. It's not going to happen. The vacuum hose is bigger than the hole in the skimmer. Any make- shift solutions I have tried don't work with the water for long enough to vacuum. There are no...
  5. K

    I need help with my swamp.

    I got my CYA up to a 40 and I've been slamming for almost two weeks. I've been keeping the FC above 16 which is what the pool calculator recommends. The pool water is now a pretty cloudy shade of blue and it hasn't changed much in the last week. I can see shadows on the bottom of the pool so...
  6. K

    I need help with my swamp.

    When testing the CYA does the water get so cloudy you can't see the dot? Mine is getting cloudy but not so cloudy that I can't see the dot.
  7. K

    I need help with my swamp.

    The CYA is in the skimmer. I went out and squeezed it once already. It's dissolving fast. For some reason my signature is not working when I post from my phone.
  8. K

    I need help with my swamp.

    I didn't have any CYA. I could see the dot until the tube was full.
  9. K

    I need help with my swamp.

    It's a slamming Saturday. I've been out by the pool all day. I think I've finally hit the point where it's holding the chlorine better. I'm sitting at a 6FC right now. Does the FC need to stay above a certain level through the SLAM process? I'm so happy the water is finally starting to look...
  10. K

    I need help with my swamp.

    Thank you! I searched for all the mentions of 10 minute drill and I was still not clear on what I needed to do. I wasn't comfortable with just starting to pour a bunch of bleach in without clarification.
  11. K

    I need help with my swamp.

    I am not new to pools but I am new to this system. The pool I am working on was not cleaned or used since August of last year. It has great shade from a giant sweet gum tree that has dumped leaves and sweet gums balls in it for months. I got a leaf bagger and I have been vacuuming for a few...
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  15. K

    I need help with my swamp.

    Re: Frog Habitat Do you have to get the FC to 10 to do the 10 minute drill?
  16. K

    I need help with my swamp.

    Re: Frog Habitat Just tested the water again. Still showing .5 on FC and CC and I never got the FC up high enough yesterday with 12 gallons of bleach to do the 10 minute drill. The CYA tube still has a visible dot all the until the tube is full. Do I need to add stabilizer before continuing...
  17. K

    I need help with my swamp.

    Re: Frog Habitat I haven't got the FC up high enough to do the 10 minute test yet. I had doctor's appointments all day today - took longer than expected. I stocked up on more bleach though.
  18. K

    I need help with my swamp.

    Re: Frog Habitat I've started the slam. Adding three gallons at a time. I'm holding steady at .5 FC and CC. I've noticed a change in color after the last time I've added bleach. Do I just keep adding bleach? I just put more in and plan on checking on it in the morning. I'm up to twelve...
  19. K

    I need help with my swamp.

    Re: Frog Habitat Went out today and there was a tiny turtle on the second step that took off into the depths before I could grab net to fish it out. I think I'm going to keep vacuuming this week and start the SLAM on the weekend. I don't want to start pouring ton of chemicals in until I get...
  20. K

    I need help with my swamp.

    Re: Frog Habitat Thank you.
  21. K

    I need help with my swamp.

    Re: Frog Habitat Yes. 8.3. Very acidic. I'm still worried about ammonia. I'm guessing starting the SLAM will let me know if that's an issue.
  22. K

    I need help with my swamp.

    Re: Frog Habitat Still getting leaves out but here's my test results. FC .5 CC 0 TC 0.5 CH 225 ppm TA 70 CYA - I filled the tube up and I could still see the dot.
  23. K

    I need help with my swamp.

    Re: Frog Habitat I got my leaf bagger in and tested it tonight so I could get a feel for how it's going to work. I plan doing lots of cleaning tomorrow as long as the weather holds out. Do I need to test the water now or wait until I get it cleaned up more?
  24. K

    I need help with my swamp.

    I have my TF-100 XL ordered and I'm slowly working on getting the debris out of the pool. My pool is currently a frog habitat. There are hundreds of tadpoles swimming around in it. The pool was used last summer. It's an unground Doughboy. 15,000 gallons. Deep end is around 6 feet. With...