Search results

  1. J

    Bury or Not to Bury an Above Ground Pool?

    I am in a similar situation. Have you looked into a Fabcote Ultimate Pool? Says it can be installed above, semi or inground. Im trying to find more info and reviews.
  2. J

    Fabcote Ultimate Pool Inground

    Looking for reviews on Fabcote Ultimate Pools. More specifically, completely burying a 24ft round with cement decking. I like what I see and the price. How do these compare with other AGP... Thanks for any info
  3. J

    Trying to figure it out!

    Great! Will try there.
  4. J

    Trying to figure it out!

    Trying to get as much info on pools as I can, I stumbled on to this site. Great info! Really want to find information on a Fabcote Ultimate Pool. Looking for reviews on fully burying these pools. Pros/cons