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  1. D

    Can you use a vinyl cleaner on a concrete pool?

    Like the subject says, I was just given a Hayward Navigator, but it it a vinyl model and I have a plaster (diamond brite) pool. Can I use it? I tried searching, but didn't turn up much information...
  2. D

    Water Swap

    I'm in the process of replacing some water to lower CYA from 80. I'm trying the pump on top, hose on the bottom method. After about 30 minutes the FC coming out of the pump is unchanged, so it is working so far.
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    Abandoned return?

    I've got this in my pool wall... I'm assuming it is a return that got clogged? It was left that way after a replaster right before I moved in. I have no leaks, and there is no water movement from that pipe. Two questions: - Is it worth getting a cheap USB camera and seeing what's in that pipe...
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    Is this algae?

    I've had this on my grout and deck corners since I moved in in June. When the water level goes up due to rain, it goes away. When I lower it, it comes back. I've scrubbed with bleach and a scouring pad (even removing grout in the process), and it comes back. I've never (knock on wood) had an...
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    Proper PH Level

    I'm confused on what the right PH level is. The Pool School says that 7.7 - 7.8 is ideal, but consistently I see people in threads saying to maintain it at 7.2. Is 7.2 just for SLAMing, and the higher PH for normal use? FWIW, I've been keeping mine between 7.5 and 7.8 with about a cup of acid...
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    New TFP Method User, First Test Results, Some Questions

    Hi all - Dan from Orlando. Thanks so much for the site, it has been a lifesaver while firing my pool company (they never told me to fix my broken pressure gauge, when I did my system was at 25PSI because they never mentioned my old filter, after buying a new one, it went to 9!) and then trying...