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  1. D

    Dirt settling under pavers ... who should fix it?

    Hey all - Pool completed mid June 2016. Not much rain through the summer and from fall until early December, we didn't have rain for over 8 weeks. Then suddenly in mid December and on, a lot of rain. So much that the pavers under our deck (on the top part of a PB built retaining wall) and...
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    Pentair VS tripped nothing

    Greetings fellow swimmers, Swimming in a 6 week old pool. Of course it's a holiday weekend and we have friends and family in town. Pentiar IntellifloXF pump. Spent all day yesterday swimming. DE filter was cleaned two weeks ago and the pressure hasn't gone up to the 'clean' indicator. Had...
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    Blue Surf Pebble sheen....was it an upgraded color?

    Hi All, I realize my Atlanta area build thread is 3 months behind. I promise to update this weekend. Significant delays due to rain! At contract time in October PB didn't offer Blue Surf Pebble Sheen. He had never even heard of it. They are finally aware it exists. We are currently going with...
  4. D

    West Georgia Pool Build! Swimming by Summer '16

    Hi everyone! I am so excited to be starting my very own build thread! I love reading forums for all of my interests and hobbies so when I started getting serious about a pool, I discovered TFP back in July and have learned so much since. We have lived in Georgia for 10 years and since the...
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    Do-it-yourself mosaic and tiles

    Hey all! Getting very close to going under contract with a pool builder. I have blown through my budget and they only thing in my backyard so far are lines I spray painted! Going to be an expensive endeavor. We are wanting to put some tiles/mosaics in the pool. Either something lining the...
  6. D

    Negoiating pool price

    Hi all, Getting very close to contracting for a pool to be built over the winter. Have 3 builders we like, but 1 one of them is hands down the best of 3, but also a little more expensive. Price is in the $55-65k range - 100-110' perimeter, Pebbletec, stone waterfall, tanning shelf, 1500'...