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  1. P

    Big Midday FC loss?

    Today was a sunny day... went from FC of 8 this AM to about a 4 after work. Overnight FC loss is just about nothing. Is this common? I seem to lose ALOT of FC during the day. My CYA last year was around 80-90, but Im down to about 40-50 this year... so I expected a bit better performance. Pool...
  2. P

     "Pentair Amerbrite 120V LED Color Replacement

    Would the "Pentair Amerbrite 120V LED Color Replacement " fit in my Hayward housing? Description suggests it would not... My old bulb died and I got the housing out and, like most, am looking for a LED option. The Pentair seems best, but I don't want to replace the housing!
  3. P

    We're Back!

    Pool is freshly (delayed) opened and first readings are in ! TA= 50 CYA= 60 CH= 125 ph= 6.8 FC= ~0 First year we're opening the pool. Poolman said all looks good... but now it's on me to get it to TFP standards. IIRC, these were my targets last year: ph= 7.5 TA= 50 FC= 8 CYA= 75 Currently...
  4. P

    And here we go...!

    Hello, TFP!Hey guys! Been lurking in the corner here for a few weeks, but finally we got our new house and... it has a pool! A pool wasn't a feature we were looking for, but we have it now and it's time to embrace it. It's in good shape, gets ALOT of direct sun, has minimal foliage around it...