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  1. T

    Just another THANK YOU !!

    Second year on the BBB method and I can believe that people still use "pool store" chemicals. I can't tell you how much this forum has helped me......My pool is now Trouble Free !!! Thanks all !!! TRazzNJ
  2. T

    Pressure going down!!

    It is my second year with a Hayward DE(EC65A) and my pressure is dropping as it runs. I cleaned the fingers at the end of last season and put in new DE per instructions yeasterday. Any ideas????? It seems to be filtering and the pressure out of the jets seems very strong......HELP ! Trazz
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    Solar heater- roof mount ??

    Does anyone here have any experience with an Aqua therm or Sun catcher type solar heater? I am thinking of getting one and want some opinions. Thanks !
  4. T

    CYA test

    I just got my TF100 and my CYA levels are weird. Monday I tested with a Leslie pools DPD kit and it showed 110. Thursday I tested the TF100 kit showed 100(after I replaced 1/3 the water. I re-tested and it showed 90. I went to Leslie pool supply(OMG, they are (fill in the blank) and they said...
  5. T

    Non-Stabilized chlorine tabs

    Does any one know where to get these , I need something in my chlorinator when I am away. I can't ask my neighbors to watch my pool and don't ever want to come home to a green pool again. Any advice or opinions are welcomed
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    Test Kits

    Of the 3 listed, which is preferred by the people here??
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    Another noob with a green pool

    I got home from from 10 days away and my pool is green! I have been fighting algae all summer and just switched to the BBB method 2 weeks ago.Water is Green and I can't see the bottom in the 3' end. FC=10 TC=15 PH=7.8 Alk=100 CH=110 CYA..........Leslie pools got 45 this morning but I bought...
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    Which DE filter!!!

    Hi folks, I am torn between a Hayward EC75 and a Pentair Nautilus NS36. Any ideas?? Help.
  9. T

    Test Strips

    Do the Aquacheck test strips work and are they OK for daily testing???? Total noob here!