Search results

  1. mggarcia23

    Bleach in OffLine Chlorine Feeder?

    This is probably a dumb question and I tried to search to see if anyone has asked but could I put bleach in my offline chlorine feeder? I was looking into replacing my offline chlorine feeder with the liquidator. Thanks
  2. mggarcia23

    Before & After Pics

    Finally changed the liner in our pool and I wanted to change the old metal extrusion so that we could put the bullnose pavers (I didn't budget for the pavers to be done this year) but fortunately we were able to find someone to do the pavers for great price. The liner & pavers basically cost...
  3. mggarcia23

    Hello...Thank you

    Just wanted to say Hello!!! I've been lurking on this site for awhile and have finally updated our pool (liner & deck) this year and have converted to the BBB method since last year. Thank you to all for the great information and money saved. I will be posting before & after pics soon.
  4. mggarcia23

