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  1. D

    help identifying spa blower size

    Hello, We have a spa blower that is shutting off after a few minutes. I plan on removing it and just trying it off the pipe, but if it has gone bad, I need help to identify what size. It is a Polaris Anzen? (it is a old and brown metal unit with a domed top) but all the numbers have faded...
  2. D

    CYA standard testing

    Last fall, I got some of the 50ppM CYA standard to help me test the CYA. When I used it for a CYA test I saw that the black dot had to really disappear to find the correct reading. Today I rechecked with the standard and the black dot disappears around 80-70, not 50. I did this at first...
  3. D

    CC creeping higher

    Hi, I had great luck this summer keeping the pool clear and balanced. But since it has turned cooler here in Dallas, TX, the CC has rarely been at zero. It has been 0.5ppm or less (just barely pinkish color) We went out of town for the weekend, so I put in some extra chlorine. The CYA is...
  4. D

    freeze protector not kicking in

    HI, I recently had to replace the timer (intermatic T104) in the pump control box, which is an Abco FP-100. Everything has been working fine for over a month, but I noticed the pump did not kick on when the temperatures dropped below freezing. I checked all the connections and wiring in case I...
  5. D

    Is my CYA too low?

    We live in Dallas TX, we had record rainfall last month, one two day period was over 12", raining almost faster than the overflow could drain. Earlier in the spring I drained the pool to reduce the CYA from 80+ to 40, but now it is around 30. There is a lot of shade around the pool, but it...
  6. D

    Rain Rain go Away

    We have had near record rainfall the past two weeks. I had drained the pool about 1/2 to lower the CYA (poor timing on my part). After re-filling the pool, the CH was around 225-250, the TA was around 100. Now I am seeing the CH around 200 and the TA about 110. To decrease the TA, I added...
  7. D

    Taking over pool

    HI, We decided to let our pool service company go last year. I had been using the local pool store for testing all winter. The CYA has been high, so I started doing research on what that was and how it got there and ended up on this site. I just received my TF-100, so trying to get the pool...