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  1. M

    Oh No! I've ended up with too much CYA

    Hi Guys, Just when things were going well with my water balance, it seems I have added too much CYA. I had been working the level up from 30 but it seems that my CYA level increased until almost 10 days after the last time I added it. I do find the Taylor CA test difficult. If I do the test on...
  2. M

    Gas heater

    My 7,500k gallon pool currently has solar heating which was damaged (leaking) when we bought the house. I am considering replacing with a gas heater. A gas heater seems ideal for us. Our pool is small so loses temperature quickly but it would be nice to be able to hit a button and a few hours...
  3. M

    Interesting paper on the merits of borates

    I cam across this. Apologies if this has already been posted.
  4. M

    First water test with Taylor test kit

    Hi, I am in Sydney, Australia and this is my fist post. I have a small, 7500 gallon fully tiled concrete pool. Until now, I have been using a combination of pool shop tests and aquachek strips. I want to take control of my pool chemistry. Here are my first test results: FC: 8.0 CC: 0.0...