Search results

  1. seanol

    Draining pool in Dallas, Tx

    Hey guys! I am getting around to draining my pool due to very high CYA readings. See here: New pool owner in Dallas I got to about 2/3rds down and realized that this isn't Vegas, the water table could be an issue! I used to live there and draining was not an issue. Has anyone drained their...
  2. seanol

    New pool owner in Dallas

    Hey guys! I have been reading the site and just purchased a home in Garland, TX. We have a 24,000 gallon pool and I bought the TFT100 test kit. Today is the first chance I have had to test the water aand I have the following results: PH 7.2 FC 19 CC .5 CH 1500 TA 110 CYA over 100 (I could not...