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    Will A Coralife Deep Six Hydrometer Work?

    Will a Coralife Deep Six Hydrometer work as part of testing pool salt levels? The reason I ask is because I've tried different ways of measuring my pool salt. One device says one thing, my display says another, the pool store nearby says another, it's all different.
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    Temporarily "Decommission" Pool

    I like my pool, and have used it before, but more recently, myself and others have just simply not used the pool in a while and I'd want to save money on the pool maintenance. How would I go about temporarily decommissioning the pool for about 6-12 months? I've looked at the "Pool Opening &...
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    Possible "low alk treatment" to fix stains?

    Hello, I have some stains that I think might consist of calcium. I also know I have a small amount of yellow mustard algae, but my plan with that is to do a minor shock to the pool to fix that issue. My main concern however is the stained dark splotches that I have on my pool walls and floor. I...