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  1. E

    Yellow algae I assume

    I need the Winston Wolf of pool water here. I've been fighting yellow algae for weeks, or at least I'm assuming that's what it is, it's a yellow/brownish substance that looks like dirt. I've tried everything to get rid of it and I can knock it back for a while but it comes back within a day...
  2. E

    Mystery loss of suction/flow

    I have a pool that sat empty for over a year and we now filled to try and get it up and running. It has 2 skimmers and a main drain. When we first started it up it had almost no water flow, after a while we started to get minimal water flow, I think the main drain was fairly clogged up and some...
  3. E

    Skimmer thread size

    Hello there, I’m trying to connect a male threaded pvc fitting into the skimmer bottom hole to blow it out and it seems that a 1.5” mpt is slightly too small and won’t thread and a 2” mpt is too big. Is there a chance this is an off size or are all fittings usually 1.5”? Don’t know much about...
  4. E

    Help me get this old pool going

    So basically were are renting this house out in the E. Texas country. It has an inground concrete pool that is in poor shape. It had some big chunks of plaster missing that the owner paid someone to patch. The pool really needs replastering but that isnt going to happen so I want to do what I...
  5. E

    Bromine with Intex pool

    I'm using Bromine with an Intex pool, mainly because it's what I have on hand to use with my Intex Spa. The pool is only 10' round with 1,000 gallons. The water is a bit cloudly, the Bromine level may have been low, will adding more Bromine clear it up or do I have to use some other chemical...
  6. E

    Intex portable hot tub with a yellow ring around the liner

    Have had this Intex portable hot tub for a few months and have been using Bromine to treat the water. I went to drain and re-fill today and when draining there was a yellow stain on the liner wherever the water was up to the fill level. Any idea what would cause this and if it can be removed. I...