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  1. Compstuff

    Plaster Patch/Repair Question

    Hello, I need some advice. I am putting my house up for sale and I drained the pool to clean it and replace a bad filter and pump. I would like to do a minimal/basic repair on the bad plaster areas, without having to spend thousands to do a complete plaster resurface. Is there a product I...
  2. Compstuff

    AquaPower Weir

    I know this thread is a year old but Topic split from here. Please start a new topic rather than hijacking someone else's existing topic. JasonLion I am wondering if anyone ever tried the AquaPower Weir? When I got my pool I always noticed that the surface flow...
  3. Compstuff

    Another Green Pool Battle

    First I am super glad I found this site and feel I now have some hope of getting this under control and actually learning how to properly maintain my pool. I took over my pool maintenance two months ago and was following the local pool store advice on maintenance... I now have a beautiful...
  4. Compstuff

    Water Level Drops

    Split by moderator out of this sticky. Best to start your own thread. Thanks, jblizzle Thankfully found your forum today as I am desperately trying to learn how to maintain my pool and get rid of the pretty neon green that has started within the last few weeks... but I will read read read...