Search results

  1. C

    Suggestions for Above Ground Pool Light (add on)

    Does anyone have a suggestion for an add-on light for an above ground pool? I'm looking for the type that can be hooked up on the fly when you have company for an evening party. We have a full deck around our 30' above ground pool. So this would be something more of a magnetic type than a...
  2. C

    Patching 4" Round Hole in Vinyl Liner - Previously Pool Light

    Hello everyone, When our pool was installed about 7 years ago, I made the unfortunate choice of having the pool company install a Hayward light (it was an option). This required them cutting a hole in the pool wall similar to what is done for the skimmer. I have a deck around half of the pool...
  3. C

    AGP Mesh Cover Recommendations

    Have been using a solid cover for the 6 or so years I've had my pool. It has worked fine but my pool is 30' round and the cover can be quite a bear to work with let alone sucking water and leaves off all winter. My current cover is shot and was thinking about giving a mesh one a try. Can...
  4. C

    Pool Light Leaking - above ground pool

    I'm in kind of a pickle with this one. Probably the one regret I have with my above ground pool was having the pool company install a light in it when the pool was built. The pool is about 6 years old and so is the light. The light is a Hayward SP056525A. My problem is the light is leaking...
  5. C

    Algae & Pump Questions - At Your Mercy!

    Hello Everyone- Like many, this is my first post and of course pool problems brought me here! Wish it was under better circumstances :) I'm throwing any pride I have left out the window and giving you all the details. I am spiraling downward quickly with all this and it's time to take a step...