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  1. B

    Slamming question

    Before switching to the BBB method, I would "shock" my pool weekly. If my pool is clear and my chemistry is perfect, do I really need to slam my pool? Also, I'm curious to know how much bleach others are adding daily to a IG 20,000 gal vinyl pool.
  2. B

    buying chemicals

    I need to increase the pH in my pool. Any suggestions to purchase sodium carbonate other than the retail pool store?
  3. B

    testing for FC

    My Taylor test kit has arrived. My question is about testing for free chlorine. After adding the titrant to the point of going colorless from pink, if I wait a couple of seconds the water turns faintly pink again. Should I add more of the titrating reagent?
  4. B

    I'm so excited

    How did I not know about this web site? I have been throwing money at the pool store for 16 years. I'm sure I will be here often with many, maybe stupid questions. Question #1 I have a frog system. Should I just shut the thing off now that I plan to use the BBB method?