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  1. E

    cause of red eye

    So i got into a friendly debate with my father-in-law last night, (the guy that seems to be an expert of everything), about a statement he made yesterday that suddenly science has discovered the cause of "red eye" in pools was people peeing in it. Later I googled and apparently the National...
  2. E

    high CYA, but still no algae, and a few other questions...

    So, my adventure with the TFT-100 and TFP forums continues! :D I have a few questions if anyone can help -- denoted in BOLD Let's start with the basics... FC: 2-3 CC: 0 AL: 130 PH: 7.5 CH: 1250 (ya, i know) CYA: 110-120 (ya, I know) (I just added a tad of acid today, so the AL and PH...
  3. E

    Is this Algae or metal staining, or what? (pictures attached)

    After joining this great forum a week or so ago I'm beginning to find that all of the advice I've been given on my pool in the past by various folks is full of ****...So, i bring another question that maybe someone here can help answer. Can anyone tell me if the stains on the bottom of my pool...
  4. E

    1st test with the TF-100; could use some advice

    I bought my house with the pool about 3 years ago and have been doing the pool myself or the past year or so. (fired the pool guy that came with the house, since he didn't seem to do much than add chlorine in large doses). For the past year I've been using the basic Taylor kit that I got from...
  5. E

    Advice for DIY of mastic seal around pool

    So I've decided to re-do the mastic around my pool and came here for advice. (can't find a decent contractor to do the work, so I've decided to DIY). The old mastic is very old and hopefully with it being like this for the past few years hasn't done any permanent damage to the surrounding deck...