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  1. L

    Pressure Gauge on 19 in. sand filter is shot and I'm shopping for a replacement today

    Is there anything I need to look for or try to avoid? Every gauge *looks* like it would work, but surely with such a range of prices, I must be missing something. Thanks so much!
  2. L

    Time to replace the liner on 18 ft round AG pool--general and floor coving questions

    We made it through the end of last season knowing that we'd have to replace the liner before anything else this year. Thinking I might get to it before it got too cold, I even bought the liner last Fall and the box is safely tucked away in the living room. My son is autistic and this pool is...
  3. L

    Please help! Have filter half apart and the collar won't BUDGE! What can I do?

    I need to remove the sand and check the laterals because we're getting substantial sand in the return lines. So of course, the water won't clear and I'm worried that the sand coming through is damaging the rest of the system. So I replaced my shop vac, got all my tools, including the wrench that...
  4. L

    Still with the sand coming through return lines--concerned and confused

    Hi. I have an 18 ft ag pool w/a waterways 19 inch sand filter and hayward pump. I posted a while back about problems with sand in the return line, thinking maybe I'd put in too much filter sand when I replaced it earlier this year. My kids are starting to look at me funny b/c I'm spending so...
  5. L

    Help! Not sure why there's sand in my return.

    Hi. I have an 18 ft round AG pool with a 19 inch waterways sand filter and a Hayward pump. When I started working on the pool this spring, I noticed the TON of sand that had accumulated in it. Since I have little guys, I assumed that it came from the unfortunately nearby sandbox, so I went...