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  1. C

    Shelf life of vinyl liner?

    Through an error in the processing of my pool kit order last summer, I now have two new-in-box but one-year-old vinyl liners for my pool. For the past year they have been stored in their boxes in an unheated (and uncooled) barn. I am not sure how vinyl ages in these conditions -- hopefully I...
  2. C

    Check my plumbing design?

    Last year I started a DIY vinyl 20x40 kidney-shaped pool project and got as far as setting the wall panels. For a variety of personal reasons I stopped work on it and left it sit for a year. I've finally gotten back to it now, and after re-doing a lot of the excavation due to winter wall...
  3. C

    Is National Pool Wholesalers a reputable company?

    I ordered a Kafko pool kit from on May 16. It's now more than a month later and I am still waiting for parts of it. I am unhappy. Every time I call them, they tell me to call Kafko. Every time I call Kafko, I get voice mail. Anyone have experience with either of...
  4. C

    Adding Spa Jets and other features during construction...

    Like most pool projects, mine has inflated from the original idea to "put in a pool" to "what other things will I later regret not adding". I started with a vinyl pool with walk-in steps, to steps with seats, deck jets, spillover spa, etc... Before I added the spa, I planned to add a few spa...
  5. C

    Starting up new vinyl pool with pond water & swcg...

    Ok, I am still digging, so this is a question for "a few weeks" from now. My vinyl pool will hold about 25,500 gallons, plus about 300 for a spillover spa. Once filled and balanced, I'll be using an Aqualogic system to maintain the chlorine level. The best source of water for filling will be...
  6. C


    New member here. I'm in the digging phase of a DIY vinyl pool (Kafko steel 20x40 kidney). I'm sure I'll have many questions and may even have a few answers. chatcher