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  1. P

    Question about slamming pool

    Hello everybody! Last week my pool's FAC dropped to 0.5ppm, so it got cloudy. We tried to fix it with a small shock, but now the pool has turned completely green and looks awful. pH 7.3 FAC 6.0 CAC 0.5 Alk 80 CH 160 CYA 80 It is a 500,000 gallons public pool. As a source of chlorine we use...
  2. P

    Theory vs Practice

    My question is about how theory differs from practice. I have been monitoring a pool and all the parameters are balanced, except cyanuric acid. pH 7.2 FAC 2.5-5 CAC 0 CH 300 Alk 100 CYA 100 The thing is, the chart says that I am supposed to keep chlorine levels at a minimum of 7ppm, but the...
  3. P

    Triton II filters sand change or chemical cleaning?

    Hello! I have a public pool (About 600 users per day) with 6 Pentair Triton II Side mount filters. They are about 3 years old and get backwashed every 48 hours, sometimes every day. I read the manual and it says something about a chemical cleaning procedure. Is it necessary to change the sand in...
  4. P

    Problems with algae and milky water HELP

    I am in charge of two different pools. One has 488600 (swimming pool) gallons of water and is heated, and the other one has 990750 (diving pool) gallons of water and is not heated. They are both old concrete pools. First I must clear out that the swimming pool has a new recirculation system...