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  1. D

    Greenhorn.....First tf100 test....lots of questions

    Just performed first tf100 test, results as follow: FC. After adding 0870, only slight tinge of pink. 2 drops 0871 = 1 PPM I also noticed that after adding 0871 and turning clear if I let it sit for a few minutes it would turn pink again. CC. Added R-0003, turned pink...
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    Ascorbic Treatment

    New pool owner, have been reading about AA treatment and want to make sure I have the procedure correct. I did it last year and had cloudy/milky pool for week. Since then have replaced cartridge filters, were extremely old/dirty. Not sure if I really added a sequestering agent, as opposed to...
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    In process of buying home with older concrete pool, don't know size of pool. Coping stones appear to be concrete which have become very rough and feel like they would easily scrape you when in pool. Is there some type of epoxy or non peeling paint that can be applied to coping so that they are...