Search results

  1. Embers

    Replacing dead IC40 with IC60, should fit? & retailer question

    Our 6 year old IC40 is saying low salt but salt level per taylor test is 3400. Am looking to install an IC60 in its place as we've had to run the IC40 at 100% just to keep chlorine levels adequate. Our 27K pool is in direct sun basically all day long and we have to constantly skim stuff out of...
  2. Embers

    Low CH, high alkalinity and PH with chlorine SWG

    Hello. Am a bit frustrated with my pool water balance. My current chemical #s are Salt level 3400 3.5 ppm FC .5 ppm TC 32 ppm CYA TA 150 ppm PH between 7.8 and 8.0 CH 100 ppm I have added the amounts of Muriatic acid indicated by the drops test 3 times now and PH and TA still remain high. Pool...
  3. Embers

    SWG issues: sporadic accuracy low chlorine generation

    Last year after replacing our gas heater that got destroyed by rats in just 2 years we suddenly started getting the dreaded low flow red light. We cleaned the cell and that didn't fix it. Even bought the sensor switch to replace it if that was the problem but haven't installed it yet. It was...
  4. Embers

    Complete pool overhaul almost done!

    Greetings from sun and fire scorched Northern California! We bought our house at the end of October 2013. One of the biggest selling points for me was the casket shaped 28k gallon pool. While waiting for the seller's lender to approve the sale (it was a short sale we signed our offer for in...