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  1. P

    First EVER numbers!!! (That are trustworthy!)

    Look what turned up the other day.... :whoot: :whoot: :whoot: Look what turned up in sunny Zimbabwe!!! by pommezimbo, on Flickr Should keep me going for a while :mrgreen: BIG shout out to a certain AWESOME member of this site for making this happen!!!!! You know who you are...
  2. P

    Storing Reagents Without Climate Control

    Hi Again from Sunny Zimbabwe :wave: My question is about the best place to store reagents. Reason being I have just got my reagents through ( :whoot: very happy about this! more on this soon in another thread of mine...) and it has taken an extraordinary amount of $$$, time and planning...
  3. P

    Chlorine Dioxide for free

    I have read the two posts I can find on this forum R.E. chlorine dioxide, but they didn't give me an answer really as to if I should go ahead and use the stuff in my pool. I have a friend who owns a Chemical Manufactiring plant, the same place where I get my 12% manufactured. He has been...
  4. P

    Does DE have a shelf life?

    Quick question, have searched as best I can but cannot find if this has been asked before. Basically I have been hunting around where I live for DE (more about the challenges for pool care in Zimbabwe detailed in this:
  5. P

    No way to obtain FAS-DPD Test

    Hi Mike here from Harare Zimbabwe. :wave: I have been reading this awesome site now for over 6 months, this is my first post. (sorry in advance for the length!!) First of all my story is, I moved to zim about a year ago with my wife from the UK to live with my in-laws and try life the...