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  1. metalmom

    pool decking

    Another question for all you pool experts. Our new pool has the paver stones for decking. Between the stones is sand. Now, whenever it rains or is windy, the sand blows into the pool and leaves gaps between the stones. Is there anything I can do to either seal in the sand or use another...
  2. metalmom

    Pool Temp too hot!

    So, how do I get the temp down? I'm in TX, with dark plaster and a small IG play pool that is 5 ft at it's deepest. For the past 3 or so weeks, the water's been 92 degrees, and it's just too darn hot! It's a new pool with little foliage for shade. I bought this mistcooler thingy online, but...
  3. metalmom

    Should I hire someone else?

    Ok, so it's been 5 months since I signed a contract with a pool builder. We have a concrete hole in the ground, and that's about it. I keep getting more stories and more delays. They said it would take 4-6 weeks to build the pool. It's been 5 whole months! What gives? Should I fire them...
  4. metalmom

    Pool Safety

    Hey, I'm new here and soon to be a new pool owner. I'm so excited, but also concerned about safety as I have a 4 year old son. What's best, the safety net or the safety fence around the pool? We have a 6 ft. wood fence around the yard, but I was thinking about an aluminum or steel type fence...