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  1. M

    Conversion to salt water?

    With the current price of chlorine just wondering if it’s more economical to switch my chlorine based system to a salt water generator. Any experiences?
  2. M

    Neighbor oversprayed on my pool

    Hi All, My neighbor was painting his fence and his contractor got some of the paint on the water, so that you see the oily residue on top of my water. They wanted to put an enzyme chemical but by pool builder told me not to and run the pump for 24-48 hours. Anyone have experience on this? :|
  3. M

    CYA way to high, help!

    Hi All, M CYA has taken a massive increase over the past month. As the Texan heat set in my pool devoured the tablets and so did the stabilizer. To the best of my eye sight is around 80 so ill need to get new water in. I there a thread that gives some guidance on how to drain pool? (Not how to...