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  1. E

    Chicken or Egg - Clean filter Grids or shock first?

    I appreciated the help everyone gave me last year regarding the new pump motor. Everything worked out fine. It's now that time of year to clean my Pentair filter grids, and also to shock pool water. What should I do first? Pentair pressure gauge is at 30. CYA is 40, PH 7.5. thank you, ed...
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    Rotation Direction of Pump Motor

    I just replaced the capacitor on my 1hp Century pump. I took several pictures of the three wires that connect to the capacitor in order to connect the new capacitor correctly. When I turned on the motor, the rear assembly of the motor was rotating counter clock wise, and making a racket. It...
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    Loss of suction from skimmer for vacuum

    I have lost suction from my pool skimmer when I vacuum my pool. I suspect a leak in the return pipe from the skimmer. I have two openings in the bottom of the skimmer. This is the first time in 12 years I have been unable to get enough suction to vacuum. If you have any ideas as to how to...
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    Correct placement Pentair high flow diverter

    I just replaced the spider gasket and o-ring on the shaft. Pentair multi-port 27-2120. I put everything back together, but something's not right. The wet end basket fills up, I release any air from the filter tank, then the pressure drops, and the wet end fills up again. Air bubbles go out...
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    patch pentair grid?

    1" tear on a pentair grid at
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    Hayward SuperPump Motor Mounting Plate

    I found a small crack in the motor mounting plate for Hayward SuperPump, part # 1600F5. Ordered a new one from Hayward. The new one is different than my old one as it has a 1" cutout in the bottom of the motor mounting place. Is this a new and improved motor mounting place? The plastic bag...
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    Annoying Little Leak

    7 years ago, I had some return pipe work done from my pump to the DE filter. The idiot who threaded the 2" return out of the top of my wet end did not use enough plumber's tape and I have an annoying leak coming out at the spot. And he did not install a coupler that I purchased in the event of...
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    Ceramic Shaft Seal mistake

    OK, I read the part about not touching the ceramic side of the pump seal on my Hayward Super Pump, but missed the part about not touching the other side on spring assembly which goes against the ceramic piece. I have not put the assembly back into the strainer, so I can quickly disassemble...
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    AO Smith Motor Replacement

    Well, my pool pump motor just blew up, literally! Sparks, black smoke, etc.... It is currently a 1HP Century attached to a Hayward Super Pump wet end.... My pool is a kidney shaped, 12X20, about 3500 gallons, deepest is 5ft. One of my neighbors who was a pool builder years ago thinks that I...
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    Capacitor model for 1HP motor?

    This is getting annoying, and maybe bad for my motor. I have a 1HP century motor, model UST1102, 115V single phase.. A couple of months ago, the motor would hum, but not start. I replaced the capacitor with a model BC86 capacitor that I thought was the correct rating (88-108MFD), but I might...
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    Black "beads" on pool bottom

    OK, I've slammed this pool for several weeks with 10% chlorine up to 14ppm, used a steel brush to try and remove the little black dots on the bottom of my pool. So I'm going to start over. Here's my current status: Temp 60 CYA 40 FC 0 PH 7.8 I cleaned the grids a couple...
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    Chlorine in Cold Water?

    Have some black "dots" on bottom of my pool..guessing this might be some algae..temp is 50....will Chlorine have an effect at this temp for a slam? thx
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    Black splotches on bottom of pool

    this happened a few months ago and it went away after I slammed. currently slamming again (4 days) and I don't see any improvement. cya = 40 TA =170 water temp is 84 I'm keeping FC @ 16. I don't want to use my wire brush except as a last this considered black algae...
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    DPD Test Powder turned to granules

    My DPD test powder, R-0870, turned to granules over the winter, even though the entire TFT test kit was indoors, air conditioned & heated. Is it still usable? thx ed
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    Dirty Pool Bottom

    After 6 weeks of filtering only once a week just to clorinate, since my filter kept spewing DE back into the pool, I finally have that issue resolved. Now I have "spots" on the bottom of the pool. We went through pollen season during this time. I'm guessing that pollen has settled in the pool...
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    DE in my pool

    Ok, was cleaning the grids a couple of weeks past, noticed that the O-ring for the bulkhead was missing. Mind you I've never had a problem with DE being pumped back into the pool but out of an over abundance of caution called a local pool company and they sent a guy out with about 3,000...
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    Clamp Problem

    Well, after cleaning the filter grids this week, and reassembling the filter lid, it seems I have stripped the threads out of the machined nut that tightens down the clamp. I forgot to put the small washer between the spring and large washer and in the process of trying to get the clamp tight...
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    Pentair Bulkhead O-rings

    Just added an o-ring to the top bulkhead inside my Pentair FNS Plus 36, parts diagram #19. It did not have one previously. I don't have an o-ring on the bottom bulkhead that sits under the spider grid locator. My spider grid does not have an opening in the center for water to flow through...
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    Screwed up a return!

    OK, trying to add a "water feature" to our pool, I snapped off one of the return outlets. I had taken off the threaded nozzle cover, and putting it back on it broke apart. Pool was built in 1991, and the heat here in South Carolina I'm sure takes a tool on this PVC (if it's PVC). Name on...
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    Pool light amp draw ?

    Our pool light is on a dedicated 15amp breaker. Is there a way to find out how many amps it draws, and what gauge of wire it might have going from the breaker to the light? thanks, ed marshall
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    Trap DE while backwashing?

    Is there a way to trap (catch, capture, collect) DE sand while backwashing? I don't want it to go into my storm water drain system or on my grass. Is it bad for the grass? I have St. Augustine. thanks, ed
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    How to measure DE for filter

    I'm not sure I'm using the correct measure of DE when I reload my filter after a backwash. I'm using the 1lb 13oz blue plastic Maxwell coffee containers. My filter is a Pentair FNS Plus 36. How many containers of DE should I use on startup (after I have cleaned the filters at the start of the...
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    Returns directions ?

    Now that I've noticed I can change the directions on the two returns in my kidney shaped pool, what are the recommended directions to point them? I've attached a photo. The return at the bottom of the picture is 5' left of the base of the ladder pull, the one at top of picture is 3' right of...
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    Heavy rains last night

    Had 2" of rain in my pool last night. Haven't posted any #'s in a while, so would love some advice. FC. 4 CC. .5 PH. 7.5 TA. 90 CH. 100 CYA. 30 Water crystal clear Temp. 82 Suggestions? Thx
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    Whole leaves in wet end strainer basket

    I may be starting to "get" this, but after a 2-3 days of running the pump (2hrs X 2/day) I see not just little bits and pieces of debris in the strainer basket, but whole leaves. I know these did not come from my skimmer, and I didn't vacuum the pool. So the two bottom drains in the pool can...
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    How much Clorine can burn off in a day?

    OK, I've slowly been increasing the "guestimate" on the size of my pool (gallons). Yesterday my FC was 2. based on the pool math calculator, I used 6500g, FC 2, target 5, using 8.25 bleach. Calculator said to add 39oz. Now, I am in SC, temps in the upper 80's, very humid. How much FC...
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    Motor problems

    I installed a 1 1/2HP emerson 1081 pool motor 2 years ago. worked fine until today...sigh Now it will run for 5-10 seconds, I see water coming in, I smell something burning, then it shuts down. Let it cool for a few minutes, starts again, stops again. Makes a sound like it's grinding...
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    Missing grout causes water loss?

    We've been loosing about 200 gallons of water daily. I fill the water about 1/3 up the tiles, mark the level with a piece of blue tape. Over nite the water level drops to just about the bottom of the tiles. I've blocked the skimmer line, the 2 return lines, so the lines are all sealed. I've...
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    Low suction pressure from skimmer

    I am not getting the suction power from my skimmer when I turn my Jandy valve to vacuum mode like I did last year. The water pressure starts to build for maybe 10 seconds, then it's as if I turned the valve back to the middle main filter drains. Water in the pump basket falls to almost...
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    Pool leak detection?

    I know I'm losing water though some type of leak. I suspect either the tile grout or somewhere around the skimmer, based on where the water is settling in my neighbor's yard. I've tried the red dye injection technique, bucket test, and watching it overnight w/o running the pump. If it is in my...