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  1. T

    Euthanizing a Caretaker 99 system?

    I have a 16 year old pool that I've owned for the last four seasons with the super awesomely conceived but never operated effectively Caretaker 99 in-floor system. I did try to rehab the system the first year I owned it. I did the gearing replacement unit and had everything seemingly in order...
  2. T

    Sta-Rite SR333NA E01 issues - What should I do next?

    Hi all -- I have a Sta-Rite SR333NA that's giving me fits this season. I've had rodents in the unit prior to this and they've chewed at some of the cords, but from what I can tell, they haven't chewed through any. I've put electrical tape over all the chewed up areas, and that enabled me to get...
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    Sta-Rite Max-E-Therm SFS Deliming

    I have a Sta-Rite SR333NA at a pool I've recently taken over from my in-laws. The heater has worked inconsistently for years. Looking into the error code, it's the SFS (Stack Flue Sensor) that's at fault. I found a very helpful set of videos on YouTube (Part I...
  4. T

    Caretaker 99 cleaning system troubleshooting

    Hi all, I've recently taken over a 30,000 gallon in-ground pool from my father-in-law. It was installed in 2000 with the Caretaker 99 system (5 port), but the system has never worked fully. The main symptom I've seen over the years is that the heads haven't stayed down. Not sure if that's an...