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  1. D

    HELP: lost most of FC over night

    I brought my FC up to 13.5 ppm last night. I added 2 full gallons from around 3pm(zero FC)->till 8:30 when I hit 13.5 ppm. This morning at 7:30am FC was down to 2 ppm, water still looks perfect. do I just go back to 12-13 ppm? was that enough since it ate most of the FC over night? CYA = 30 ppm...
  2. D

    first day of BBB

    I got my TF100 just now. had drained 65% of water over weekend, refilled. ran pump most of weekend water is beautiful of course! numbers: FC = 0 CC = <.5 TA = 170 PH = 7.2 CYA = 20 (was 111) i added 80 oz of 12% liquid chlorine just now. will re check FC levels in an hour. shooting for 4ppm...
  3. D

    Anyone recommend a robotic cleaner

    I have been through 2 pool rovers in 6 years. Last one lasted 2 years now motor won't hardly turn. Looking at Polaris 9100, same price as rover after rebate or dolphin DX3 maybe. Any advice? Just finished drain/refill to lower CYA, kit will be here Monday. CYA is down to 45 from 110! According...
  4. D

    Leaving the darkside, need advice

    owned my 27' AG pool since 2006 tired of the pool store yo-yo ride. now pool is: 170000 gal water is clear FC= .04 CC = .6 PH = 7.2 TA = 126 CYA = 111 CH = 270 ordered my test kit, wont be here for couple of days. do I shock it now or just get levels up according to chart(9ppm with CYA this...