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  1. Beanie

    Changing Sand in Filter?

    Hello I am just curious as to how long you can go before changing the sand in a sand filter for an above ground pool? I was thinking it was 2 years, is that correct? I don't have any problems, I just wanted to know. Also, do you have to buy the sand at a pool dealer store? Is there a cheaper...
  2. Beanie

    Our patio!

    We finally got our patio done last week, now we just need to do some landscaping and we will be finished!! :) Pictures of my pool are in my signature, but this is our patio off the back stairs of the pool deck! :) My Mom is in the picture..shhh don't tell!! ;) Here is one at was a...
  3. Beanie

    We opened our pool today!

    First time opening using the BBB method and I couldn't be happier!! A *tiny* bit of debris (from closing last year) on the bottom, but otherwise, crystal clear!! I do love the BBB method!! :)
  4. Beanie

    Bleach and lining

    I have been using the BBB method for about 8 months and love it! It is so easy and much cheaper then chemicals for me! Anyway, I was on another forum (disney related) and someone asked about above ground pools, so I answered and told them I was using the BBB Method and so on. Another poster...
  5. Beanie

    Not sure where to post...batteries in pool?

    Just a quick question. I was interested in buying one of those balls you put in the pool that has lights all over it, but was sort of worried about battery leakage in the pool. Is that a problem with that type of stuff? I also was going to buy a Pool Buster Max and that also runs on a...
  6. Beanie

    My pool has never been so clear!

    Thanks to all the information found within this forum, my pool has never looked so crystal clear!! I can't believe all the valuable information stored here! Just reading over the past 3 days and absorbing all this information has made so much difference! Here is a picture of my pool water...
  7. Beanie

    Using the BBB Method

    How long do you have to wait to go swimming after adding bleach/baking soda or Borax to your pool?
  8. Beanie

    Changing water in Spa?

    I was just wondering how often you all change the water in your spa? I heard every 6 months and then some say once a year. We have a stand alone spa on a deck and we don't use it everyday. I would say once or twice a week in the summer and maybe 2 or 3 times a week in the winter. We have a...
  9. Beanie

    Sorry, I have a few more questions...

    I am sorry, I know I have a lot of questions...I just don't want to harm my pool in anyway. 1) The BBB method is okay for above ground liner pools? It won't harm the liner? 2) Using the BBB method, I don't have to buy cholorine tabs and floater to put them in? 3) Is there a FAQ or user...
  10. Beanie

    Do you use chemicals from a pool store or 'big box' store?

    I am asking because our local pool dealer told us not to use cholorine from Walmart (and others) because it has some 'tricholor' something or another in it. They said it can cause explosions in your water if mixed with other chemcials? We only buy chemicals from our pool dealer, but they are...
  11. Beanie

    Pump Question

    Hey all! I am new to the board today and from North Carolina. We just installed our pool this year, an above ground 24 inch with sand filter. Anyway, I don't know much about it (husband knows all the specs and such) but I was wondering how long you all run your filter/pump for? Also what is...
  12. Beanie

    Pics Of My Pool

    I hope this works the right way! :) I don't know anything about my pool (my husband knows all the specs and such, I just maintain it). Anyway, it is a 24 inch round above ground pool that we put in this year. We also put in a Jacuzzi/Spa and my husband and I built the deck around everything...