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  1. S

    New Filter? New multiport? Bubbles?

    Good evening all: I had the pool opened this year (I'm not yet confident enough to open/close myself, so I still rely on the pool company) and it turns out that my multiport is bad AND I had a hole in one of my suction pipes. The hole has been resolved (my pipes are still about 1" below the...
  2. S

    Diving board rust

    The base of my inherited diving board is, well, brown. I found some spray on rust remover and was simply going to scrape all the old paint off, spray on that rust remover and repaint? Does anyone see any issues or have any advice? This is my first year owning a pool. We bought the house in...
  3. S

    Algae or pollen?

    I have two things: (1). I'm getting these little floaters in my pool and I can't twll if they're algae or pollen. I clean the pool daily 95% of the time and scoop them out. Pollen counts here in MD are absurd at the moment. [attachment=1:6q49nuyx]image.jpg[/attachment:6q49nuyx]...
  4. S

    Testing in the rain?

    This may be a dumb question, but I can't seem to find an answer (and get lost reading about solar covers and other stuff that pops up in my results...I'm easily distracted 8-) ) Should I test my pool water when it's raining out? Or wait until the rain passes? Can I get accurate results...
  5. S

    Draining recommendations

    Hi all: So I ran a first set of partial tests last night and got the results below: FC - .2 CC - 2.2 pH - 7 TA - 110 CH - didn't test - toddler bed-time intervened CYA - off the charts - tested 3X Borates - not using I shocked the Crud out of the pool last night using the last of the HTH-3...