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  1. W

    Pump recommendation - replacing Hayward SP2300VSP

    Our 10 year old Hayward SP2300VSP completely died today :cry: Looking for recommendations on replacement as that model is discontinued. 27,000 gallon inground saltwater. Attached a pic of current setup. Thanks in advance for your help!
  2. W

    Need help identifying please...

    Looking for help finding this product. Measures 2.5” across Our pool was installed 5 years ago. They put these inserts in for future use for umbrella or volleyball/basketball nets. We’ve never been able to get the caps off. I’m guessing they didn’t take the caps off when they poured the...
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    How do I remove these covers?!?

    Our inground pool is 3 years old. We had our builder put these sleeves on for a future basketball hoop. I'm now trying to remove the covers and have no clue how to do it. I put a screw driver in hoping it would just pop out, but it's cracking. Please see attached pic for a better idea what I'm...
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    Liner installation question - inground pool

    In addition to my leaking returns and other problems (see other post)... I did have another questions regarding our liner. I'm far from an expert.. but it looks to me like the liner sits a little lower than it is supposed to. I don't think that the light blue line along the top should be...
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    Under Construction - Absolute DISASTER. Advice appreciated!

    Hi everyone, Our 27,000 gallon inground "l-shaped" vinyl liner pool was started by our pool builder in mid-April. We are now heading into August and we still are not done. To say this process has been frustrating is an understatement. We were almost done a couple of weeks ago... we were...
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    Heavy rain + lots of dirt and mud = Brown Pool! Please help!

    So we recently wrapped up the installation of a 27,000 gallon inground, vinyl liner SWG pool w/ cartridge filter. We are in Northwest Ohio. I'm waiting on my sprinkler guy to come back in and re-route the system before I can hydroseed or sod. So until then, I'm left with dirt all around...
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    Just received TF-100 Kit. New pool - Please help!!

    This is such a great website with a lot of helpful people and information. Just a little background on our new pool: Inground, vinyl liner pool in Northwest Ohio SWG 27,000 gallons The pool was filled with city water on June 10. The plumbing was not entirely finished as they had not hooked...
  8. W

    Concrete Pool Deck recently poured - blotchy & spotty? HELP!

    So we're getting towards the end of a new inground, vinyl pool build in Northwest Ohio. It's an L shape. The concrete was poured on Thursday. I noticed a few blotchy spots that were darker than the rest of the concrete. I just assumed it was an area that hadn't fully dried/cured yet. We did...
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    Inground pool in Ohio - Pool deck and vermiculite question

    Hi there! It's been a couple of months since I last posted. We're getting closer to having things wrapped up. We've been stuck in a delay waiting on the concrete and are getting pushed back again until Tuesday. It's an inground, L Shaped, vinyl pool in Northwest Ohio. We're doing cantilever...
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    New Pool Build in Ohio - some questions for you all....

    I'm a longtime reader and lurker... and just recently registered. I appreciate all of the info. and knowledge that is shared on these boards. I believe we've finally decided to take the plunge and get a pool. We started the process late in the summer of 2012 and met with 6 local pool...