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  1. S

    Rain and balancing my water

    Hi all, We have had a lot of rain here in my part of GA ever since I opened my pool at the first of April. Water was clear when I opened. Did shock since FC was 0. Got chemicals perfect then came the rain just about everyday since then. Chemicals stayed good for about 3 weeks then the CYA...
  2. S


    I joined the forum June 8, 2008 when I was trying to get help with my baquacil chemicals and then in September with the help of this forum I converted to the BBB method. I am glad I did. It will help my pocketbook. I read the post frequently. They are very imformative. The only help I get...
  3. S


    [Edit for link breaks:Butterfly] :wink: I know the swim season is late for most but I still have about 6 weeks to swim in my pool. I am now beginning to switch to BBB. I am trying to get my TA and my PH right tonight. In the morning I will be starting to add the chlorine. I am waiting on...