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  1. M

    BB code is disabled for me.

    EDIT - This does not belong in The News - moved to Technical Issues I did not deliberately turn off bbcode, nor do I see a button/checkbox to do so (or to turn it back on). Odd. It does say BBCode is OFF in the bottom left of the post area, but I can't see how to turn it on. I know I had it...
  2. M

    Brown staining on white fiberglass spa

    I have a brownish stain around the entire top of a white fiberglass spa. It's about a half inch in height and goes all around the spa at the water level. They have no noticeable thickness and are translucent. They cannot be felt at all if you run your fingers over them. The spa is bromine...
  3. M

    TA and CO2 outgassing follow up

    This discussion originally started in this thread. Moved to The Deep End because of it's technical content. JasonLion While anything acidic will burn off some carbonate alkalinity, people have different preferences for their TA. The key point is that you need to keep your pH in the right...
  4. M

    Strong and weak acids

    Technical discussion originally from this thread. JasonLion Actually, any kind of acid should work at lowering the pH, although some work better. A "strong" acid just means that virtually 100% of the acid dissociates into solution to form H+ ions at any given time. Some of the common strong...
  5. M

    Spas and Ca hardness

    We added some Ca hardness from the pool store to a spa. After 2 weeks, it just sat in the pool completely undissolved. It also managed to get into every filter, jet, etc. The spa has been just emptied and refilled... is there something we are doing wrong in the addition of Ca hardness? Is...
  6. M

    How can I test Bromine levels?

    I've had a Cl based pool with a SWG for a few years now and have had no trouble with that. I use a Taylor K-2006 for testing. I now have to figure out how to balance a spa. This spa specifically prohibits the use of Cl (although I assume that refers to hypochlorous acid and not Cl- ions). I...