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  1. EllieWilliams

    Skimmer DEBRIS DEFLECTOR - for High Winds Predicted

    Forgot to post this earlier, use this hack for fall to prevent a mega leaf invasion to my skimmer, my pool is simple only one skimmer. Should work with the high winds predicted as well. Pool Noodle and landscaping rope is all you need. Thread through or knot the ends of the rope to the pool...
  2. EllieWilliams

    Window App not syncing with Android App

    Window app is not syncing with my Android Device correctly. I open it and it shows the last time I opened the Window App (42 days), if I close and reopen, it then reverts to the Android Device last update 2 days ado. The Android is not having issues with syncing.
  3. EllieWilliams

    PSI Dropped to 6 from 10 after Pool Revamp

    Weirdest question I think I have ever presented to you all - Just finished a revamp on my 40 year old pool - new cooping, tile and surfacing (drain hole plugged). Replaced pump and motor for prosperity, as well. Cleaned and replaced the filters. Everything is clean, clear and running really...
  4. EllieWilliams

    Alternatives to concrete decking gaps (+2")

    Hello all, Need some thoughts before I decide and execute. Have been having issues with my concrete decking (35 years old; 1,000-sq ft; 4-5 feet radius), with droughts and hurricanes over the last 5 years, my concrete decking is on an outward move. 1.50"+ from coping, then the spacers...
  5. EllieWilliams


    OMG, don't ever do a project half asleep. Cloudy and muggy in Houston, perfect for Slamming and killy the last of the stuff in my pool for a perfect summer. Well calculated that 40 CYA bumps up the SLAM to 24 for the Mustard kill. Well did not pay attention to the % on the PoolMath of bleach...
  6. EllieWilliams

    REPLASTER JOB: need advise on another warranty issue

    Had my pool replastered with white plaster, but have been plagued with issues after done - keep in mind I didn't go for the cheapest, just the plainest application and the pool is over 30 years old, and the plaster was chipped down to the gunite, due to three old layers of plaster. 1) Installed...
  7. EllieWilliams

    COMBINED CHLORINE: keeps fluctuating day to day

    For the last 7 days CC has been .0 then yesterday .5 on the .5x and the .2x, then today .0 again. I don't know what is causing this, happens about every 10-15 days. Add enough bleach to bring up to 8 every night, losing only .5-1.0 a day rain or shine - ph/ak stable once a week adjustment of...
  8. EllieWilliams

    BBB has another perk: Filter Cartridge So Easy to Clean

    I have had my pool on the TFP BBB system now for 2 months, so easy, so clear, so nice.... But noticing a perk to this system with the Filter Cartridges - they are easier to clean, and I don't mean just hosing off, but they are brighter, cleaner, easier to rinse. Has anyone else noticed this or...
  9. EllieWilliams

    Lowering CYA: How Long Can I wait to properly balance pool

    "is there a safe period of time that passes before corrosion of plaster likely?" Preparing pool for winter in Houston TX; this will be the start of BBB, too. CYA was at 160 last week, so emptied 1/2 the pool and brought it down to 80 this last weekend and intend to do another 1/2 to bring...
  10. EllieWilliams

    Pump doesn't have a pressure gauage - is this ok

    I only have one pressure gauge on the filter which is running consistently 3psi. When I did some research to see if this was a good pressure, find that folks have a gauge on the pump, too. I don't. Looked at the diagram for parts and there is nothing about a place for a gauge. There is a hole...
  11. EllieWilliams

    Clear Beautiful Pool: then the golden bloom ring

    my pool, I love it, it's beautiful, like diamonds, but this is the first year I have had issues with the golden bloom ring of dread. I test daily with no fluctuations, but I can't seem to figure out how this happens. I use the Taylor k-2006, test for ph/chlorine daily and alkalinity every 4-5...
  12. EllieWilliams

    Return Valves: laid in not installed now leaking due to gaps

    Houston TX: Oct 2012 had my pool plastered (brought down to the cement, due to three layers), turned out perfect, beautiful, then a leak 1-2" a week, did the normal troubleshooting and then hired a pro cause I could not find it, neither could they. Then in January damaged an return eyeball...
  13. EllieWilliams

    Adjustment of Pool Return Inlet Eye

    Had a gentlemen come to troubleshoot water leak and changed the direction of all the Return Inlet Eyes. My pool is old 80's and I can't find a blow out to see how to re-adjust. Looks like a fitted shell screwed to the pool wall, the gentlemen told me to slightly unscrew the four screws, then...