Search results

  1. Colorado Pool Gal

    It Happened-Zero Chlorine & CYA=Ammonia

    Hi All, I have thoroughly read and re-read the thread It Can Happen to Anyone By Richard aka Chem Geek. Sorry, I don't know how to create a link to the thread. I found this post after searching similarities to what is happening to my pool. Without a long background of how I got here (bad...
  2. Colorado Pool Gal

    New to TFP & BBB

    Hi All! I have maintained my pool for the past 5 summers. The last 2 summers have been AWFUL! Unstable FC & TC, high TA, low pH and rising CH. The Pool Store's advice has helped only to empty my wallet. Add muradic acid ($) then ph+ (more $). This did not solve anything, since both chemicals...