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  1. M

    Pool opening surprise--is this a new kind of red algae?

    Been opening my pool for years with knowledge from this site, so green slime or water doesn't phase me. But what in the heck is this? Do I just continue with my normal pool opening procedure? It continues around the water edge along with the normal green algae...
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    New Pool Owner-What is this Nature 2 Cartridge thing?

    Hello everyone! I need some advice! So my really good friend bought a house with a pool. As a housewarming gift, I ordered him a TFTest Kit which will arrive Tuesday, and went over this morning to test his water and help him get started. Three days ago he said that since he had bought the...
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    Encouragement for Newbies! Mesh cover off to swimming in 36 hours! Hang in there!!

    Good morning! I've been reading many of the posts from folks new to the TFPC and SLAMing for the first time. We found the site in 2007, and have been using our knowledge of the BBB method (that has now been fancied up with new acronyms--love it!) since then. I am posting here as...
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    Tips/Tricks for sealing pump basket lid?

    Help! Last year I had to order not OEM strainer basket lid because the one we had dry rotted. The pump is so ancient that, while it still works, the lid was made by a replacement company. The pump won't prime, and I am sure this is where the suction side leak is. My problem is getting it...
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    No pink color after adding R-870? All numbers 0? Problem?

    This is my first year since using BBB opening without it being a green swamp, so I've never opened with a mostly clear pool. I haven't started the mechanics of opening yet, but reached under the cover and took a water sample from arm's length depth. Test Results: FC 0 CC 0 TC 0 pH 8.2 T/A 110...
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    How soon can I turn the heater on?

    Clearing out my swamp, think I've got it under control. Does anyone know how clear the water needs to be to turn on the heat pump safely? I'd like it to get warm for Monday! thanks
  7. M

    Do I have a block in the line? Milky pool won't clear

    Opening pool going ok until now (except for the dead rat in the skimmer basket today) the pool balanced and am maintaining my shock level....but...... Cleared the green to a milky blue, and today took out the vacuum. the hose had two holes in it last year that we repaired them with gray...
  8. M

    We SAW the algea, but NO CC's on drop test! So do we shock?

    Ok, I thought I had this down, and now I'm stumped! Here's the situation in a nutshell... Rainy and very little swimming this week, pulled back the solar cover and had some small areas of faint algae in the shady part of the deep end. Brushed it off. Discovered the pump had been left to pull...
  9. M

    New plaster-2 Gal of Acid and PH finally moves!

    Hi everyone! I'd love your thoughts on my numbers just to see if I'm on track. TF-100 Results: FC 2 CC 0 PH 7.8 TA 100 CH 210 CYA < 20 Temp 77 (new heater going as of Sat--hooray!) New Quartz plaster on 5/20. I finally beat the PH down to 7.8 after adding almost 2 gallons of muriatic acid...
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    New Quartz Plaster start up questions about balancing

    Hi! Starting the new plaster regime today. Here's where I started with new water: (TF-100 test kit) Ph 8.0-8.1 (hard to tell when it's that red!) TA 60 CH 120 Last night I added what Calcium I had left and I earlier today I added about 8 lbs of baking soda and 2 bottles of Jack's Blue Stuff...
  11. M

    Best replacement for Ray Vac--Polaris 280 or 360?

    Hello everyone! I am trying to get away with replacing old Ray with a new pressure side Polaris without having to install a booster pump. Ray worked well for years but our old plaster has chewed him to bits and they aren't making him anymore. (New plaster being done this Saturday!) Can the...
  12. M

    Will any robot cleaner work for my Roman-shaped pool?

    Our Jandy Ray-Vac bit the dust and so we just purchased the Pool Rover Plus from Costco. (Our pool is what I think is called Roman shaped: rectangular with half-circles on the ends.) The unit does a fantastic job cleaning except for one thing--the shape and location of our wide layer-cake...
  13. M

    CH--can it fall that fast?

    Here are my test results with my new TF-100: FC 5 CC 0 TC 5 pH 7.3 T/A 120 CH 150 (we have copper that DH added, so I added the two extra R-0012 drops prior to R0011L and included them) CYA 40 Temp 70 On 5/25, the last time tested (at Leslie's Pool Supplies using a drop test) the CH was...
  14. M

    Green pool clearing, just a couple of questions

    Hello everyone, First, thank you so much for all the information and help on this site. Thanks to you all we've cleared our green pool to a cloudy blue. I just ordered a TF100 kit and donated to become a member. :-D Pool: IG 27,000 gal plaster, 48 sq ft DE filter, we live in PA and the water...