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  1. M

    foamboard for pool bottom?

    Hi all, Just notice water level was gone way down in pool went to investigate have big rip in liner. So when I replace the liner I saw some people use foamboard. I currently have a sand base which overtime of seven years has gotten ruts in. If foamboard is used my concern would be if any wash...
  2. M

    Ph Down and TA went high

    numbers: 13.5k gallons PH somewhere around 6.2 TA 160 FC 5 CYA 20 I been shocking the pool put about 10-12lbs of cal-hypo so far because of the Algae which looks like its gone. FC is steady added some sodium carbonate 32oz (volume) to bring up PH and it looks like all it did was raise my TA I...
  3. M

    Testing chlorine at higher ppm than the test kit is capable?

    Right now I have a HTH test kit (not in the budget to get a Taylor kit, as much as I would like one) Is there a way I can test for higher chlorine amounts through diluting the sample? HTH says use 5 drops of the reagent one otherthing do these reagents have a shelflife? Thanks for any help
  4. M

    green pool

    I looked under the winter cover yesterday and saw green. Is it okay to get in a pool with algae? I have to get in to brush the walls and floor. Did test the water: FC 0 PH 7.4 TA 90 CYA 30 13,500 gallons
  5. M

    Add some DE to a sandfilter

    I heard that you could add some DE to a sand filter to improve filtrations From what I understand you take a 1/3 of a cup of DE mix with water and add to your skimmer. You do this process untill you get a 1psi increase at the filter. Than when you backwash you add new DE. Please comment if...