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  1. B

    My Bright Idea?

    Ive had small particles floating in my water for sometime now.. Mostly pollen and Dust I suspected so I was looking for a solution to the problem. I read about the "ScumSock" thing and purchased myself a 1 micron filter off Amazon for 20 bucks. I tried using it by attaching it to one of my...
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    Clorox Vs Pool Liquid Bleach

    I was just at the pool store to buy some chemicals.. and mentioned I was using Clorox to provide chlorine. He mentioned that I should buy their liquid chlorine product because it had fewer "dissolved Solids" I'd like to hear from you folks.. Thanks in advance! Aaron
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    looking for LED light to replace 500W bulb

    Is there a LED replacement for a 500 watt regular bulb? This is for an inground poollight niche. THX, Aaron
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    Rebuilding pool lights

    So Ive got a 30 year old pool that we're re-plastering and tiling. I got to thinking... while we have the pool apart this would be a good time to replace the lenses and gaskets on the pool and hot tub lights. What we have are Swimquip 5075 lights with 500 watt bulbs. I haven't disassembled...
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    Back Flow Preventer

    Is it advisable to put a back flow prevented on the input side of a pump.. that way it would prime easier and quicker... The thought just popped into my head... I'm dangerous like that!
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    Pool Light Bulbs...

    So.. tell me why I cant use a standard bulb in an water tight enclosure.. Ive got a fountain that has four 6" (small ) pool lights that are out. So I'm looking at replacing them but at 200 bucks its not a priority. But I got to thinking.. dangerous thing for me to do I know!... What makes pool...
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    Pool Cover Question

    Spring is coming and my pool temp is finally on the rise again.. Over the winter I bought a solar cover just to keep all the junk out of the pool while it was not in use...and only running the filter at night. But watching the temp come up it got me to thinking If I were to run a slow...
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    Anyone ever used Taylors Calculator? And.. Of the Mfg's listed on the page which is the supplyier for the TF Kits
  9. B

    OTO Vs FAS/DPD tests

    I understand what they do... but if your test using the OTO then do a further test using FAS/DPD shouldn't the values match? I'm using the TF 100 (test in the blue box) to test pH and chlorine daily and then once a week I'm doing the full battery of test TA CH etc.... Should not the results...
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    Preferred order of testing water

    Is there a preferred order to testing and then adjusting your water. Pool School recommends testing the pH daily and the TA only weekly.. But I thought I read someplace to adjust your TA before adjusting pH because of the affect TA has on pH. I just ran my first test yesterday (I was really...
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    DPD Chlorine Test FC and TC - Free Chlorine and Total Cl

    Im trying to make heads or tails of this test.. I found here: extended-test-kit-directions-t25081.html Ive got a TF-100 kit and at step 6 of teh extendex directions it says to the shade of colr aginst the color chart.. What color chart?
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    First TF100 test..

    I got my new test kit Saturday and went out and performed the daily quick test.. and got unexpected results. My pH was 8.2 and my chlorine didn't even register.. of course the surface temp of the water is 39deg and its been raining off and on here for a few weeks now. See any problems? I'll...
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    Ok.. here we go... Starting BBB

    We've moved into our new home with pool and have a "pool guy" taking care of the pool over the summer. Now that winter is coming .. Im in SoCal so winter is a relative term, Ive decided to start taking car of the pool myself. Thinking that a winter pool has fewer "problems" than a summer pool I...
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    Great idea... You tell me

    How many of us have fogotten that we've opend the fill valve on our pools... I've done it twice now... I've avoided an accident but I'm figuring that its a soon or latter thing.... So I started looking into automatic pool fill valves/sensors etc... $$$ ouch But then I had this idea.. how about...
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    IG pool short time fix

    We've just moved into a home that has an existing pool (roughly 20x40 kidney shape) that the realtor said was possibly original or close to original.. read 15 years old.. Its showing its age a bit but is sound. no cracks, leaks serious "wounds" to the surface etc.. but it does have some dark...
  16. B

    Replacment motor for Sta Rite Max E GlasII

    We've just bought a new home with a pool and recieved our firts electric bill.. OUCH! So I knew it would cost a bit I jst wasn't prepared for all the other bits.. So Ive begun thing along two lines.. run the motor less time and look for a more efficient motor. Am I correct in that its better...