Search results

  1. S

    POLARIS PCX 852 or similar?

    Hello TFP, looking for a recommendation on a robot cleaner for under $1000 Canadian Rubles. The pool store recommended the PCX 852, but I can't find any reviews on it. It comes in at $999.99. of course when I ask the pool store for under $1000 they go right for the max budget! It looks like the...
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    Pool opening question

    Hey guys back for Season 2 of BBB. Under the cover the pool is blue and clear:) I'm opening this weekend and I have plumbing antifreeze in my return lines and pump basket, should I make an attempt to remove all of that before I start the pump back up for the season or is it fine to just let it...
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    Pool water level with lights

    hey guys it's that time to close and I have no idea what water level I should have my pool at. It has one skimmer, 2 returns below the skimmer level and 2 lights below the returns level. When the water is just below the skimmer, it is right above the returns (about 2-3 inches) and when it's...
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    Thank you all! My pool rocks because of you!

    Water is awesome, doesn't burn the eyes, pool looks fantastic! if you are reading this and you pool looks like a swamp, it can be fixed. it took 6 weeks for my swamp to be an oasis. I'm sorry i didn't take a picture of Day 0, the first pic starts at Day 2 I believe after adding bleach. What...
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    Pool Lights

    So now that my pool is almost completely clear, it's time to tackle the lights. There was no power going to my pool lights or my pool shed. I have an electrician friend who came over and replaced the breaker and got the shed light working and then the pool lights working, for a while. there are...
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    Main drain question

    how do I use just the main drain? the skimmer has 2 holes in it. is one the main drain? can i connect a u shaped tube to it to just suction from the main drain?
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    Test strip pictures

    Thought you guys might like to see a test strip comparison of my water. I have a taylor 2006 but thought you might like to see how the test strips from hth compare the left is the pool water, the centre is my well water, and the right is my water cooler water The columns on the strips from top...
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    UPDATE -safe to swim? Worst Pool Store Ever!

    Just got my water tested at the pool store. last time I ever do that because my test kit arrived! I can't wait to get off work and go test it. anyways here are the results, if you can call them that from the pool store: TC 5 FC 5 PH 7.5 TA 105 CH 90 CYA 70 lots of issues with these numbers...
  9. S

    Need a little advice guys - pictures added

    I have a really bad green pool, 18x36. vinyl approx 100,000 litres. yes i am from canada. i do not have a good test kit for that reason. i bought some chemicals from a local place that does quality testing for free when you buy from them. my initial readings were: saturation index -.4 cya-0...