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  1. Z

    Salty water?

    So, I've completed my adventure of converting from the dark side to clean, clear BBB. No SWG, just use plain 'ol "pool chlorine" (the HASA 12.5% stuff in returnable jugs), test every day and swim to my hearts content :lol: I know that sodium hypochlorite (we know it as "bleach") is actually...
  2. Z

    My pool has gas?? - Mystery solved??

    Just completed conversion from Baquagoo Mark's conversion and I'm in the process of getting the chemistry lined up. Wasn't sure to post here or in "chemistry", but what the heck latest set of numbers FC = 2.5 CC = 2.5 (I know this is a little high but I'm adding bleach each night to bring up...
  3. Z

    Help on the CC test

    I'm converting from Baquacil to Chlorine - this topic when I do the drop test for Chlorine I've been getting results somewhere between 12 and 15 FC (right now that's my target to get rid of the Baquagoo). I say somewhere between 12 and 15...
  4. Z

    Another conversion - Finally done !!!

    first post - other forums I belong to get upset with repeats of previous threads, but I guess in this case, each conversion is unique. Background - bought house in 2004, pool/spa came with the place - we bought the Baqa-hype, including the "automatic dispensing" AD system. What an...