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  1. R

    Safety valve?????

    Hey guys. Quick question. I had the pool guy in April put a new liner in. He also put , what I think he called, a vacuum safety valve. He said its mandatory, so I agreed and he installed it. My question is, what is that valve called. It's about 6 " round and screwed , with 4 screws, to the...
  2. R

    freshwater silver ion system vs. other santizer system

    hello everyone, i just bought a hot spings relay spa 4 weeks ago. im trying to understand this freshwater ion system, and so far im not happy. my last spa i used baquspa products with the ozonator and never had problems. so far with system, im having cloudy water , foaming and low...
  3. R

    moving filter to new location

    hello all, i need some advice and or tips on moving my filteration system to a new location. it will be moved 16 ft from its current place. actually, just moving it to the other side of the pool. the new location will be even with the water level, my question for that is, will i burn out my pump...
  4. R

    cantilever coping

    hello everyone, i have a pool that was built in the 70's and it has that ugly 8" wide coping around the pool. i want to get rid of it and replace with pavers. im new to having a in ground pool. i researched different types of coping. the one im looking at is the cantilever type. now, how does...