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  1. H

    Dead Algae and DE??

    I am at my wits end with brown dust. We had a minor algae bloom last year, SLAMMED it, but have never successfully gotten rid of the brown dust. I have vacuumed to waste, siphon using the hose, I just can’t get rid of all of it. It doesn’t seem to bother anyone else but me, but I want it clean...
  2. H

    Help remind me...

    Ph was 7.2 Alkalinity 100 CYA 70 I know I need to add chlorine. What else, or am I ok? 24 foot above ground pool, sand filter
  3. H

    Brown we know what it is?

    I have searched these threads high and low. I have been SLAMMING and passed my OCLT, BUT I STILL HAVE BROWN DUST. I'm over it and don't know what else to do. It isn't much at all. I really have to search to find it, but it's always there. I vacuum and brush, but it's back within about an...
  4. H

    Newbie with lots of questions

    So many questions... 1. I have been SLAMMING since Friday because I have had very mild algae on the floor of the pool. I passed my OCLT test last night. My target was 16 and this morning it was 15.5. I’m excited BUT, there is still some stuff on the bottom of the pool. I vacuumed this morning...
  5. H

    Newbie and overwhelmed

    We purchased a 24x52 above ground pool this summer. About 3 weeks ago we started noticing algae on the floor of the pool. The water was never green, just the floor. Per the advice of the pool store, we vacuumed on waste, shocked, etc. Unfortunately, it has never fully gone away. There isn’t...