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  1. P

    We don't need no stinking algae HELP!

    Opened the pool last week and the only thing missing were the gators. Keep in mind this is Connecticut. Shocked the pool three times and now have an improved milky green color. The chorine level is still high and I've attached some photos. Here are the results of the latest tests Chlorine...
  2. P

    Pool Opening Chemestry Question

    I'm a newbie so please bear with me. I purchased the TFT test kit that was recommended and had the grand opening a few days ago. The water looked pretty good, better than in previous years. Did my first test and these were the results: Alkalinity - 110 Calcium Hardness - 100...
  3. P

    Pool Opening - where to start?

    Sorry for the newbie question but I want to know where to start when my pool gets uncovered in three weeks. I purchase the recommended TF-100 test kit but am not quite sure of the sequence of tests to perform. For example, do I start with the alkalinity and then FC etc.? Is there anywhere...
  4. P

    Robotic pool cleaner suggestions

    Just received the bad news that my Aquabot Turbo will cost almost $700 to repair. It did serve me well for the past 5 seasons but my biggest complaint was cleaning the bag at the end of each session. Disgusting!!!! I’m looking for a robot that will clean the pool, pick up a few leaves and is...
  5. P

    Mineral Springs MS-10 Trips Breaker!!!

    I have a Mineral Springs MS-10 control box that keeps tripping the circuit breaker. This just started happening. The fuse on the board is fine. There was a mild discoloration on a wire that was touching the ceramic capacitor on the board but it didn't appear to melt through. Any suggestions...