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  1. M

    high psi pressure even when off

    Ok, gurus....please help. We are total newbs. We closed up pool and left sand filter on closed all winter instead of winterize. Our psi is 25, even when off. when on, it jumps to 36. We've backwashed and it does nothing to the pressure. The water coming into the pool is so strong it's...
  2. M

    Help, Please...(Who the Heck Opens a Pool in August?)

    Good morning, pool gurus. Thanks so much for the site and your knowledge. Here were my numbers this morning: FC=3 CC=1 ph=7.2 TA=60 CYA= very low because I've only used bleach until last night CH= ? I just opened my new pool after a grueling few days of DIY install with my hubby. I read all...