Search results

  1. M

    Runaway pH

    Hey everyone, this might be a common issue, but I'm struggling to use the TFP search and only get hot tub results. I've used this forum for years to help me with my pool, but I'm a new hot tub owner and have a struggle. When I go to bed, every night, I've worked throughout the day to get...
  2. M

    Talk me off the ledge, or push me: filter edition

    My cartridge filter has been the bane of my pool maintenance since I bought my house, and tonight I'm so mad at it I'm about to throw it out of the family. First, specs: Pool: Inground 18x36x4.25 (average depth), although 3 feet of that length is a very narrow set of entry steps. I've always...
  3. M

    Ignorant of my own pool equipment - circulation issue

    I'm having circulation issues, and I suspect something in my pump equipment, but I'm not smart enough to even tell you what it is. First, the problem: I have eight wall returns and three in-floor cleaning jets, and typically the returns would fire two at a time, rotating around the pool, and...
  4. M

    Pump's gone out - best way to keep water clear?

    This is the definition of "extenuating circumstances". My pump blew up last night, and I'm 4,000 miles away in England. It is very warm in Indianapolis and there must be a run on pool emergencies, because the soonest anyone can get out is Saturday to replace the pump. Obviously, I'd gladly go...
  5. M

    Reason for never-ending algae: pool light?

    My water is clear, but I lose about 2.5-3ppm of FC overnight each night, and I'm adding more bleach than I (think I) should have to. I'm generally trying to hold at around FC6 (CYA45), but after a long hot day (it's been over 100 here recently), I can find myself down to 1.5 or 2. At that...
  6. M

    What am I fighting?

    If my FC gets eaten up during the day (maybe 7 in the morning and 0.5 by evening), but the pool has 0 or 0.5 CC in the evening... am I battling algae or the sun? I guess what I'm asking is, if it were algae, wouldn't I see higher CC? For instance, yesterday morning: FC: 7 CC: 0 TA: 200 pH...
  7. M

    The cure for milky water is....?

    18,000 gallons FC: 0 TA: 350 CYA: off the Taylor 2006 charts Water is milky, algae growing on skimmer and light, cannot raise chlorine level. On Wednesday, 15 gallons of 12.5% were added; next morning, FC was .5. Fast forward to yesterday, 12 gallons of 10% added, FC is now 0. One hour after...
  8. M

    Super high CYA

    According to my k-2006 test kit, my CYA is around 180. I found this by filling halfway to the first line with pool water and the other half with tap water before adding the reagent then doubling the result.. Is this acceptable? Without the tap water, the dot disappears within a few drops. 1...
  9. M

    Help - leaf-tastrophe!

    We've been in a heatwave here in Indianapolis and two of my trees behind the pool are shedding leaves like it is mid-October. I've been cleaning my skimmer basket twice a day, and my trap basket every other day. But today I got home and my skimmer basket blew out the side due to so many leaves...
  10. M

    Why are my test results so different than the pool store?

    I bought a Taylor K-2006 based on recommendations here. However, the results I'm seeing are wildly different than what I got at Leslies... and I'm wondering if that's normal or if maybe I'm doing something wrong. Examples: pH: Leslie's: 7.1 Me: 7.4 TA: Leslie's: 110 Me: 180 CYA: Leslie's...
  11. M

    What is THIS?? (pictures)

    Opened my cartridge filter today to clean it, as my pressure was up 8lbs. This is what I found: This is the runoff when I began to spray it: It's the consistency of wet paint. What is it?? Pool is clear...
  12. M

    Something's very wrong (newbie post)

    Let me start by saying that I do not know what I'm doing with my pool. Period. Three weeks ago, I took a water sample to the local chain pool store and got this: FC: 4 Alk: 100 PH: 7.0 Copper: .5 TDS: 2100 Three days ago: FC: 4 Alk: 0 PH: 6.8 Copper: 3 TDS: 2200 (I added 5lb of Metal Free...