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  1. L

    Replacing Hayward Pool Heater H250

    Hello, our new pool’s heater just stopped working a few weeks after the warranty expired. We had a Hayward H250 and the heat exchanger failed/rusted. We have a salt water pool and keep it balanced biweekly professionally. Needless to say we’d like to replace with a more durable unit. Is Raypack...
  2. L

    Pool cover - leaf cover only?

    We live in Canada with very harsh winters (lots of snow and ice). We just had an inground pool installed. Our PB mentioned we could just use a leaf net with water bags in the fall, then remove it when it freezes over and let the ice/snow be our pool cover until the spring. I’ve been doing some...
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    Pool shed - heater inside and floor type

    Hi! We are about to have a pool installed and would like to enclose our equipment in a shed. We had a few questions: 1) Should the pool heater be inside if we vent appropriately? It will be next to large trees so there will be lots of leaves falling on equipment. 2) should the flooring for...
  4. L

    Depth of deep end (sports vs deep end)

    Hi! We are building a 16x32 pool (steel and vinyl) and can’t decide on the depth of the deep end. We have two young children who love to jump in the water. No diving will be allowed. Our shallow end will be 4’ with a 3’ walking ledge near the stairs. Trying to decide between a 5’ or 7’ for the...