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  1. K

    Pool is coming along, but there is a knew hurdle!!!

    My pool is coming along, my chemistry is spot on and I have passed the ONCL test, however I am face with yet another problem I fear. My steps are discolored to the point that they might be unreparable. And my shallow end has the same stain, or so it seems. Soooooo I am asking is there...
  2. K

    2 questions one off topic

    Hey all, I am curious about my chlorine reading it is at 26 as I shocking with a sledgehammer, can I get in at that reading wanna get my feet and legs in to do some vacuuming in the shallow end, and I also have a problem under my cement on the shallow in, right before my steps that go into the...
  3. K

    Its in the mid 90's today!!!

    Hey all, Its in the mid 90's today, and I am curious while in the clean up stage how much will this blistering heat take from my Chlorine reading , compared to a normal day when the water is crystal clear??? :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:
  4. K

    Pool nowhere near

    I am gonna try using green to clean as I do want to swim soon as in 2011 my latest num tc 9 cc.5 ph 7.5 alk 90 calc 110 cya 40
  5. K

    Leaves in bottom of Pool, will it clear

    Will the pool clear enough to where I can see to vacuum, I have been scooping for a few days off and on. I think I have the mojority out but the pool just want clear so Ima thinking its because I might have more than I think.
  6. K

    While vacuuming I see dirt returning to pool?

    While I am in the process of trying to clean my pool, I am running the navigator to vacuum some and while doing so, there is dirt/debris going straight back into the pool via the returns, what could be the problem? I just today replace the spider gasket thinking maybe thats the culprit. Now...
  7. K

    My vinyl liner feels like sandpaper

    What is causing this?